Client: Roche®
Product: Valium™ Baby (Diazepam)
Valium™ Baby is a benzodiazepine drug for children aged 2 and over. It is used to treat anxiety disorders caused by the harsh realities of youth.

Children today are brought up in a world of early competition and information overload. These distractions may generate a great level of premature stress, making it difficult for kids to cope with childhood adversities such as depression, anxiety and sleep deprivation.
The Valium™ Baby speculative poster campaign is aimed at increasing parental awareness of anxiety and depression in children by building empathy towards them.
This campaign is not directly targeting children as influencing them through advertising means would counteract the very purpose of our message. We address an audience of responsible parents who consent to deliver an accurate dosage of the drug to their infant.  
To ensure results fit our objectives of making a strong visual impact, we have used the work of highly appreciated photographer Jill Greenberg who’s controversial 2006 “End Times” photo series, portraying crying children, elicited strong reactions but left an enduring impression.
And as the French saying goes: “When you love, you don’t count the cost”. 
Valium Baby™ - Print Campaign

Valium Baby™ - Print Campaign

Depression. Not just for grown-ups.
